Back to the future: aromachology is the key to a better life.

Nowadays, everyone wants everything immediately. Information, objects, images - everything must be, and indeed it is, at our fingertips, immediate, without waiting or downtime. Partly because time is money, partly because we have less of it, and partly because, even unintentionally, we let ourselves be consumed by this relentless grind that doesn't allow us to lose even a moment. Every breath corresponds to an action, preferably a productive one.

However, we are still human, and our nature, willingly or not, emerges and rises above the wave of mechanical efficiency at all costs. It is rather recent, and almost counter-trend, the search for a physical and mental balance based on nature and everything it can offer us. Studies on human behavior from early childhood, from the moment we come into the world, have shown how technological development has led us to focus primarily on two of our five senses, namely sight and hearing, which are hyperstimulated and bombarded with constant information that blends together and, under such conditions, can create confusion, instability, and discomfort.


To return to a sort of mental reset, a primordial peace, an intense series of investigations has led to the same conclusion: it is necessary to shift the focus and return to our primal origins, letting ourselves be guided by the sense that allows us to recognize our mother immediately after birth, that enables us to perceive situations before we even rationalize them, that takes us back in time, that allows us to travel without moving—the sense of smell.

And it is in this context that aromachology has developed, the science that studies the effect of smells/aromas on human behavior. The underlying premise is that aromas influence our behavior, and therefore, they can be used to improve our psycho-emotional and physical balance. 

No one enjoys the smell of disinfectant because it reminds us of unpleasant experiences such as the dentist, hospital visits, medical examinations, and so on. On the other hand, the smell of coffee or freshly baked bread activates receptors that uplift our mood and motivate us to be more productive. There is a scientific explanation for all of this: the sense of smell is closely linked to our limbic system, the seat of emotions and memory. Our instincts are activated there because smell operates involuntarily, often anticipating all the other senses and allowing us to understand the situation before seeing or hearing it. 

Based on these simple and almost primordial principles, it has been understood that we can use this chain of sensations to not only improve our mood or help us, for example, to calm anxiety and stress but also to enhance the performance of our activities by utilizing specific aromas that stimulate us in very specific ways.

It is well known that lavender essential oil has soothing properties for the skin and calming effects on the mind, and the same can be said for Roman chamomile oil or sweet orange oil. It has been proven that other essences can enhance performance in studies or work. 

In recent years, for various reasons, more and more people have turned their homes into workspaces, either by choice or necessity. While it may seem like an optimal and comfortable solution, the reality is that a familiar and overly "relaxing" environment can hinder productivity compared to a different workspace such as an office. 

The solution has been to make the home environment as work-friendly as possible, creating a stimulating atmosphere through the use of natural aromas. These aromas not only provide a pleasant scent to the room, as was done in the 80s with chemical substances without any benefits, but they also harness the proven properties of natural essences.

Rosemary oil helps improve memory, peppermint oil increases concentration while reducing tension and alleviating headaches, and sage oil promotes clearer thinking. While these essences can be extremely useful in a productive context, calming oils that slow reaction times and lower attention levels become valuable in medical settings. They are diffused to reduce patients' tension and stress, making their experience less physically painful.

All these considerations are leading to further development, namely the creation of personalized aromas, tailored to each individual. These aromas draw from our experiences, our lives, and when harmoniously blended, allow the recipient of this personalized "scent" to achieve a mental and consequently physical balance that is effective based on our way of living, experiences, and sensitivity.

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