Trappist beers: Dubbel

Trappist beers are Belgian abbey beers that are produced inside a monastery under the supervision of monks. They are a group of very varied beers that reflect the traditions handed down by the monks over the centuries.

Dubbel is a term used to indicate Trappist beers of medium-high alcohol content (about 7°). In the past, in fact, Dubbel and Tripel indicated the increasing strength of beer (in comparison with the strength of the beer the monks, themselves, consumed in general). They can fall into the broader category of Brown Ale beers.

Dubbels are malty beers with a medium-low degree of hops-generated bitterness and can have aromatic differences between one brewery and another. They often present chocolate or caramel aromatic notes. 

Two unquestionably successful dubbel beers are Chimay Rouge and La Trappe Dubbel. They are both characterized by soft and creamy caramel and toffee aromas and spicy notes. Chimay has very light notes of ripe fruit (peach) and coffee, which then gives way to caramel and light spicy hints of clove. La Trappe has light notes of plum and cocoa.

Given their structure and alcohol content, Dubbels can be paired well with dishes such as white meats and pork, cheeses and chocolate cakes.

Try the TasterPlace Beer Aromas collection to train yourself to recognize the most characteristic aromas of some Trappist Beers. Click here to discover!

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